Why Are Women Choosing To Give Birth After Age 40?

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Couple with positive home pregnancy test




There are many reasons that women put off having children until they are in their 40s. Some spend their 20s and 30s focused on their career or traveling and completing other goals before planning a family. Other women postpone motherhood because they did not find their partner until later in life.


Is It Safe For A Woman To Get Pregnant Over The Age Of 40?


medical auscultation the belly of a pregnant woman


Over the age of 40 conception is not impossible but it does become harder to achieve naturally. For men in general, the production of viable sperm is possible past the age of 60. However, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine tells us that fertility starts to decline for women in the late 20’s/early 30s, and decreases rapidly after age 35. This is because the number of eggs and the quality of these vesicles reduce with age, there are also some health concerns related to child birth. Women who are over the age of 40 are more likely to develop pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. They are also more likely to have a miscarriage or stillborn baby and are automatically considered high risk pregnancies.


But wait, just because you hear your biological clock ticking does not mean that you can’t hit snooze, once or twice. An article published September, 1997 in the journal Nature, asserts that middle aged mothers live longer. They looked at groups of women born in 1896, finding that those who lived to age 100 (or longer) were four time likely to have given birth after age 40. They went on to conclude that theses women may have a superior gene pool for longevity to pass on.


Alternative Options


Portrait of a young african american couple with her baby girl

There are many options available for a woman who cannot get pregnant or choose not go through the birthing process. For example, many choose a surrogate; another healthy woman to carry an embryo through gestation and child birth. Sounds very Hollywood I know, but this is an option for everyday people. In some situations, health insurance may pay some costs related to embryo harvesting and in vitro fertilization. It is not “standard’ coverage by any means, so one would need to research the possibilities. The ability to pay for high quality obstetric care is a very important factor in making this choice.


Adoption is a very fulfilling way to experience a loving home and family life. It is often said, there are many children deserving of loving parents; which is is true. But child adoption is not charity. The gift of love received from an adopted child is not different, and your journey through the stages of growth and development will yield the same rewards!


Family planning is a big deal at any age. For those who choose to parent after the age of 40, despite the fertility issues  that may be present, there are several options to explore.

I am a S.F. Bay Area Native from Vallejo CA. Master of Public Administration And the School of Hard Knocks I am the publisher of GoodLookOnline.com